RT 36 16a Helping to put dash of rum in drink(7). I have _O_T_ _ _ 14d Love to search for cell structure(9). I have _ _ _E_ _ _ _ _ Once I've got these two I can fill in 22a & 24a - got to leave...
Last two; 2d Novel of the idiot without child. I have _e _d_ 22a City Fabric placed on vehilcle. I have C_R_I_L_ I suspect the first part of 22a may be CAR... Any help gratefully received.
Radio Times 33 8a - Information I lay it out with warmth. I have _E_I_L_ _ _ Radio Times 33 6d Knocks back drinks in bad mood. I have _ _ _ O _ Any help gratefully received
Three left... 1d Missile takes front off vehicle _R_ _ (I didn't help myself by originally having "Fish" for 10a !!) 10 Swimmer with a tailpeice _ _ _ A (flea ?) 16a Account organised around the...
Search function not working...so... 14d Size of reflected sound contained by girl with energy _A_N_ _ _ _ _ 22a water container is a funny target B_ _ _ (Bull ?) 24a Barrow's River _L _ _ _ (Clyde?)...
Last two needed to finish... ... 15a Bird at some milk function. I have _I_T_D_ which makes me think it's RIPTIDE...not sure why though... 21d Just open a grate...I have A_A_ Cheers for any help
Have the Telegraph made an error? the clue is - different form of stardom in office of old ruler - The letters I have are _t_r_o_ These are from definitely right answers in other clues (as confirmed...
Radio Times 42 12 Across... Clue is - Strain gives Ray a problem with Brent (5,2) I have _I_K/_G_R_A_S Can't help thinking the first word is something like "Pink" or "Milk"...
...I know the answer should be Pro Tem....but...I have Peter as the answer for 26 across, which makes the answer Pro Pem...which is wrong...er...where have I gone wrong ?
17d Prosecute an old immoral person for returing to greek port. I have ?I?A??? 24A Overall cover for french station in the hills I have ???G?R??? I suspect 24A is DUNGAREES. (Un Gar plus Dees Anyone...
Rotten cast on fourth of july...I have _O_L_Y I know the -fourth of July- bit refers to the letter -Y-, but as for -Rotten Cast- ? I'm assuming the clue refers to another word for-Rotten-, but -Cast-...