erectile dysfunction 40% of over 40s havre it they say really? that means theres a few on cb anyone wanna own up? or tell their tale of dysfunction ??? didnt think so lol
Ive been thinking ill have my usual black coffee. Then i thought What about a latte ? Well what should i do? its a dilemma and im all confused . Hurry the kettles boiling.
I was just about to ask a question on here and it went comlpetley out of my mind when I finished eating my sunday roast. Have you any idea what it was?
Then so who is going to be there as I have got my ticket booked So doc spoc I expect you to be there with your lovely lady mrs doc spoc. Grief in the pool oh yes bring it on
I have talked lippy into going to grief in the pool next year even though she thinks it is full of urine and donkeys. but I have lovely mamories of blackpool when I was a kid and I would love to go...
Jade has died. Its a sad day. Personally on friday evening myself and pasta had a few farewell drinks and i introduced her to a friend of mine , here from the UK. She is a few years older than Jade...
hi all its my sons birthday in 2 weeks and he wants some thomas the tank engine boxers shorts! iv elooked everywhere and cant find any- a little help?! thanks!!
the people are the salt of the earth. Just back fom a day trip -the city is beautiful -we went to the famous Horseshoe Bar for lunch and of course went to the Barras. Didnt matter who I spoke to -a...
Im 35 weeks this week and not sure if i should be worried about this, my baby is most active during the night, she moves in the day but very active at night, i can feel her throughout the night, as im...