... stops for coffee. What jobs could you not do? For me ... chiropodist! I love pretty feet ... but ... I couldn't spend all day sorting out people with minging feet. Yuck !!!!!
just bought in a dead mouse, plonked it on the floor in front of my 5 month old kitten & left! What a nice thing to do. Mary is now hooning all over the living room with it having a ball. Cute.
Someone asked, yesterday, what springs to mind when they think of Somerset. What springs to your mind when you think of New Zealand? (This'll be interesting.)
I better quite while I am ahead...need to be conscious for work..lol... so nite to icey,leggy,craft,dusty,dris,no-no....and anyone else still hanging about xxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm off now folks to build a sand castle. What shape would you want it to be. G'night ya all as I have a hard days driving down to saffend tomorrow so I have to get some ugly sleap.