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what do you think about rats ? I've got a massive brown rat sat on my lawn eating the bird food . I think he quite sweet . mother in law says Kill it .I live in a countryside small village and I say...
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any one used one of thees tens machines for back pain . are they any good. Iv just had back surgery to remove a slip disk the pain is not actually in my back but in my foot do you think this will...
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Have you ever noticed that if you put a piece of paper on the floor no matter how small your cat will sit on it?
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Have your say AB bottom right hand page corner Do you think this service should be available on the NHS ?
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Im so cold . when I get lots of money I'm of to warmer climes like Corfu . Money no object where would you go to get a way from this miserable English winter
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Are the starlings doing as well round you as they are doing around hear . I live on the out skirts york and on a evening there are millions gathering to roust . people are now coming and parking there...
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do you think scooby do is well past its sell by date .yiks,s he he he he!
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dose any one know when the BBC are going to restart phone in quizzes . I used to love Sunday local radio quizzes .I used to win lodes of little things like BBC mugs or cinema ticks
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How much electricity dose my PC use compared to a normal TV
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Serious for a moment . Does any one know what this CO/COMMENT Thing is all about .It keep popping up all over the AB page
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my cat is waljking aaaall ovver my kkkeeyyy board gy dev1!!!!!!!!!f
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hi I had a slipped disk removed on Monday to stop pain in my leg and foot I am back home now . my problem is no body has told me what to expect or what will happen now . I know I will be sore for a...
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hi good morn to all . turn AB on this morning to find this message in a big box in the middle of my AB page ( you are a CO/COMMENT do you want to register it free .yes. no. or later ) I put later as I...
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can you delete more than favorite at a time as i have thousands of old favorites that i need rid of and doing it one by one With the ( are you sure you want to delete this ) every time is a pain ....
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Have I had enough of the Churchill advert ( OH Yes ). whats the most annoying advert of all time in your opinion
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has any body found a reliable Holiday weather site I've tried lodes. I;ve been looking at the Tiscali weather site for Funchal madeira , it say rain Mon to Fri. Then i;ve gone to funchal live web cam...
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pleas how do I find out my AB pass word I forgot-en it . I'm going into hospital on Sunday for a while and I miss chatting to all the ABers Thank You.
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how do I find out my AB password I.v forgten it .Im going into hospital and need it to log on
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hi I am going into hospital on Sunday I was wondering how do i log on to the answer bank using another computer will i need my A.B pass word Etc I have never used the Internet out side my home before...

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