I think that they are trying to put themsleves in a stronger bargaining position by raising the stakes with the west/UN. Opinions?
can anyonehelp me by supplying me with the title of a book whose author was a guest on the sally jesse show. he was on the show with his 11 siblings accusing their father of abusing them, the family...
I was reading an article in the Metro today about two guys who had rented an island and were in talks to rent it out to holiday makers who could act as members of the tribe there. Anyone know the...
What is going to happen, do you think, when we finally run out of oil? Will people stop fighting? Will we use electric cars? Why aren't we all using electric cars now?
Why are tractors and other farm vehicles allowed on the road, travel at an increasingly slow rate, hold up lines of traffic (which in my view tractors and the like are often the cause of traffic...
wiil it ever be possible to perform a brain transplant in the future. and if you could and you put a human brain into , say a dog would you be able to talk?
How do I reactivate or regain the option on Yahoo tool bar enabling me to "email this page" or was it "send this page" , anyway if you know what I mean you can perhaps kindly help. I've tryed allsorts...
Being an electric guitarist, it just occured to me, you know those domestic smoke alarms? Well, they obviously have a loud little amp in there and a tweeter. I wonder if an electronics whiz could...
Example you would like to see a device like the holodeck in star trex, some thing that can record your dreams at night, flying cars.. Explain why, is your pick for pleasure or would you like to have...
This program that I am working with generates a 1-D radial grid by defining radial increments that increase from one to the next by the same factor : ΔR(n+1) = f * R(n) The user provides NLOG...
does anyone know where i can find information about black holes, perhaps with some inofrmation about the experiences of travelling into one, passing over the event horizon etc. and equations involved...