My husband and i are giving our kids some money to reduce our savings below the IHT limits. Do both of us have to live for another 7 years to avoid them paying tax on it or is it enough for one of us...
I was hoping to got to USA for 3 months on the waiver programme, after which i would have to leave the USA. Would it be possible to travel to either Mexico or Canada and then re-enter the USA, And for...
Just looked at the Australia House website, which implies that it costs $Aus20 per person for a 3 month tourist visa. Does anyone know if this is correct for a British citizen? I went to Canada this...
Bird of prey taking my sea bird with a double heart? *O*H*W* Looks like it is GOSHAWK or possibly DORHAWK but I don't see why or any reason for preferring one over the other. Any enlightenment out...
I'm still struggling with the question: "What order did Charles I make with regard to paper manufacture?" Creation of a monopoly has been suggested, as he did that for several industries, but I can't...