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e beswick

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e beswick
Our cat has cancer and seems to be getting worse fast does anyone know how much it costs to have a cat put to sleep
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hello i have put down an anti cat product for a few months on the areas the cats use but seem now to ignore it as there using my garden again as a toilet is there any real detterent i can buy with out...
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HELP any ideas on how to get a fussy toddler to eat even a mouthful of fruit or veg, never mind the recommended 5 portions.
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My 18 month old son has slept in our bed for most of his life and its now getting too much. Because he is used to sleeping in a bed, is it ok for him to have a bed of his own at such a young age?
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e beswick
my step son who is nearly 16 has asked i can buy him and his girfriend condoms .i did suspect they were sexuay active and they confirmed this yesterday with there concerns that she may be pregnant .my...

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