means of illumination in which the light source is a high intensity electric arc either between carbon rods in air or between metal electrodes in a xenon gas atmosphere(3,4) A-C ---- tks
members of an ancient jewish sect that emphasised strict interpretation and observance of the mosaic law in both its oral and written form(p---i-e-s) a book of the new testament consisting of letters...
a blanket like shawl or wrap often of brightly coloured wool as worn in latin america(?E?A?E) in fine arts a set of three panels or compartments side by side bearing pictures carvings or the...
a game from which badminton was developed played since ancient times in india and other asian countries(---t---o-e)10 TKS A STYLE OF OPERATIC SINGING CHARACTERIZED BY FULL EVEN TONES AND A BRILLANT...
a region of sw england on the english channel part of the anglo saxon kingdom of wessex(6) -o-s-t
of a skirt or trousers wide at the hips and narrowing towards the ankles(3,3) p-g -o- TKS...
a shell of light, flaky pasrty for filling with fish or meat mixtures usually with a sauce(3,2,4) a type of wake describing a party held for a young person emigrating the next day(8)cork delicacy...