young master daley almost did not make it last night in the preliminary round of the 10mtr dive.
he's improved today - and just finished 4th in the semi.
final tonight at 2030 ... good luck tom....
Hi- does anyone know where I can get the sheet music for "Enter the Stable Softly" and "Somerset Wassail" both written or arranged by Donald Cashmore? I've tried lots of websites...
Where do wardrobe dept in Eastenders ,buy Almerias clothes.I love her style,she wore beautiful navy sparkly one shoulder jumper ,which I would love to have,on last nights episode ,tues 6 March.Please...
I was going to do a list of how things have changed - like a price comparison between 1930 and today, maybe with 1951 [when they became 21] 1970 [at forty life changes] 1995 [retirement age] thown in....