Time after time I see people post YEAH instead of YES. Why? YEAH is an extra letter over YES, so presumably the poster is thinking "gotta look cool here yo chicky hack down in coolness". To type YEAH...
God bless his little cotton socks, little john has been running around on here all day now trying to impress his master but to no avail as he has not got what it takes. I hear that his master on here...
Now there's some big words for you who knows what they mean and can you read one. well somebody on here claims that they know what it means and they can read one now that's news for you all. Picked on...
Does that mean you dont like me and legend anymore you turncoat. Have you gone over to the darkside of whiffey/newsdick then never mind newsdick posted earlier on here that us apes had a new playmate...
Im away to watch the spain game and may be very drunk later if they win. Feel free to text me. Have a nice nite and hope your maggots are behaving themselves. LEGGY
i have just cut myself with broken glass by accident and i didnt have any plasters so i scooped up a bit of my own faeces from the floor and stuffed it in the wound. i hope it will be ok. can someone...
And I did not realise that there was actually a person inside a dalek I thought that they were remote controlled. Shirley it must be a easier to operate them by remote control it would sort of be a...
Saw him on earlier and waschatting to him n knobs . Think he had a maggot infestation and aint seen him since . Ihope hes ok . " DIDDDY THAT HELP YIEE THE NOOOOOOOOOOOO ?? "
Should there be an amnesty for all those with more than two usernames? Should they be made to apologise for all the trouble they have caused and if they do, should the AB Ed show them leniency. I...
Do you wait your turn patiently, passing the time of day with the other people in the queue? Or do you get yourself all het up moaning about the time its taking, making large sighs and generally being...
It's very simple. He only has to promise, I mean PROMISE, to do one thing and he will get a guaranteed swing of approx 25%. All he has to do is to GUARANTEE that his government will abolish the...