Hi Joanna - I got the magazine - thanks again for sending it. I've posted the answers I got on the previous thread in the crossword sub-section. Hope I get my mag earlier in the month next time and...
Not a suggestion as such, but I couldn't find anywhere else to post it. As a relative newbie I just wondered, who uses AB. as a UK site, it is mostly UK users and ex-pats ? Who posts from the US or...
I was contemplating joining the Telegraph Crossword Club. Is it worth it ? Do they have a monthly cash crossword like The Guardian and The Times and do they have on line entry for crosswords to avoid...
I don't think this has been answered before The Times Jumbo 2 11 Down Is it Four LeaFed Clover or Four LeaVed Clover My spell checker says only V is right Yet A Google search gets 24800 Hits for F and...
I've only just started using this site regularly and cannot find any mention of this free to enter crossword in the AB history - so can I recommend the crossword at...
Has anyone managed to access the interactive Crosswords on the Times Crossword Club site. I got as far as the printable crosswords this afternoon, but the interactive crosswords didn't work. Its seems...
I've been listening to Nick's last album The Convincer alot recently ( it's excellent ) - Does anyone know if he's ever going to release new material ?
These are just for fun - There's no prize at stake and no deadline. These are just the ones I'm too tired to look up tonight. I will post the whole list tomorrow if anyone's interested 1 Was time...
I can't find any trace of this on the Internet. As I said - it's an SF clip show with Robin Williams doing funny scenes between clips. One I remember was him as a Jewish space-traveller shouting back...