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Why is an orange called an orange yet an apple is not a green or a banana a yellow?
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troll patrol
has just been zapped at exactly 22.05. Oh dear what a shame.
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tick tock ect
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is it this possible to miss sex so much after 3 months knowing its gonna be another three and a half months before you get anymore ????
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Thought everyone could share their pearls of wisdom...
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Is anyone out there having a more throbbing night than we are
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as the saying goes you get stitched like a kipper, does anyone out there actually know why or how you would stitch a kipper
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Calling everybody, I am compiling a list of situations on where it would be more or less advantageous to be fat or thin. For example if you found your self in a situation where you was being chased by...
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If you were stuck on a desert island, which 5 essentials and which 5 luxury items would you chose to have with you? Anything goes.

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