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think I have made blunder somewhere, cannot get 31d, step-by-step procedures for solving problems, I have a?g?r?t?m?
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7d weigh about two pounds and a quarter-nearly, ?e?? ?a?h 31 d He finishes off the game with the queen, k?l?e? 28 d poles housed by nazi minister who wrote poetry s?i?s?r Thanks in advance, came late...
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not having any success finding 14a answer, help needed. in the levitical sacrificial system, the most important type and the first specified by name in the Bible b?r?t ?f?e???g
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ref. previous, another oldy mind block, 2d the people from whom you are descended, ?n?e?e?e?t?
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last clue, 1a a contemptuous expession came back from old king. a??b. I think Ive got 1d wrong.
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my final clue, 51a showing numerical information by numbers ,instead of by a pointer on a dial. ???i?a?
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32a " The ---- Question" : why should scottish MPs have a say in English matters, ?i?l?t?i?n
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3d an instrument that measures colour to determine a substances quality
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30a the value of a coordinte on the horizontal axis of a cartesian system a?s?i?s?
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Can't believe I couldn't find this already answered - must be drinking too much:HALF ALCOHOL AT A FIXED TEMPERATURE. PS What do you think of the 'blinking' ads down the side?
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24a Is it aloe? Probably a rather silly guess!
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4a electronic device that can switch from one stable state to another on receipt of a signal, ?l??-?l?p
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cant find an answer to 16d, the one about the 14thC Scandinavian Stone I have k--s---t-n
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19a caribbean percussion combo.
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can anyone help with last clue? 21a start to play badly with the ball p?l?
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9a father in charge had sign first that his wife was more than a just bareback rider 21a start to play badly with the ball 26a oriental goddess first produced streams of light in the sky
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2d cold blooded creature that lives on land and returns to water to reproduce. ?m?h??i??
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help please with these, 25d the spirit of an age, z?????y?t 37a replace an old, worn out body part with new tissue. ???n??a?e
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my last one, which I should know, but mind gone blank. 13d . please help.
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49a in music, a diatonic scale or mode of approximately the same order as the major scale. m?xosy?i?n

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