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edgar stocks
12a  german lady in the idiots clutches.  e?i?i
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42a  common English name for the "Children of Heth" ?i?t?t?s
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38d cliff dwellings of the Anasazi natives of America m?n?t?u
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how is tea decaffinated
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 3d  a provincial governor or prefect in ancient greece e??r?h
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30D The doctrine that the state should have supremacy over the church etc e*a*t*a*i*m
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20a in ancient greece, belts or girdles worn by women. I think the answer is cesti, can anyone confirm?   [ c?s?i]
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2 d half sister of king arthur.  ?o?g?n  ?e  ??? shaneystar will know this im sure
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14d  a yobbo must accept a womans attacks l?s?e?  o?t
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the former location of the bankruptcy dept. of the supreme court.   ?a?e?  street
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2d poem that starts--- go placidly.?e?i???a?a
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44a song of joy  ?a?a?
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22a city teenager took part in wild revelry r?i?e?
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gandhi s personal secretary for 25 years mahadev d?s??
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pair of muscles that act on the jaw to open it d???s?r?c
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graham  ?a?s? 1977 world matchplay golf champion
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ben t?a?c?e? wales and footballer born 1975
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28a  manager of scotland football team 2004 ?a?t?? ?????
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 2 d  french city which endured siege  in the hundred years war   ?a?a?s

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