2d fluid in th veins of the gods Ichor ?
28 d frances F????? actress played by Jessica Lange in a 1982 bio pic
29a With azimuth ,one of a pair of celestial co ordinates a?t?????
supply liquid little by little to (4-4) d??p/????
Ornamental plaster (6) ???c??
Rigid (8) ?t?????n
Compliance with wishes or orders (9) ??e?????e
Thanks in anticipation...
http://www.thesun.co....hat-it-is-racist.html Does such ridiculous over-sensitive rulings such as this only go to create more divisions between the races? It is as ridiculous as saying that sending...
1. A place offering ideal conditions for the growth of an idea etc. (6) ??T??? 2. A feeling of regret for one's sins; repentance (9) ??????N?E 3. A person who is unscrupulously ambitious (9) ??????S?E...