extra clues please 1. sounds like part of a flower -5 2. shake a leg garfield 9 ( thought it might be a anagram ??) 3.scream with pain at the tool 12 any help will be appreciated ,probable kick my...
6 down flexible and strong ?i??
13 across creation of select groups o?i???n
17 across keen on riding ?i?s??
21 across walk awkwardly s?a?b?l
60 across crude p?o?a?e...
Am I being unduly thick this morning? Have antivenom for 5d (substance used to counteract the lethal secretion of snakes) but this does not fit with 26a polyvinyl chloride (full name of PVC). Help...
15 Across Having an oddly dreamlike quality..... ?U?R?A?
23 Across Categorical, Frank..... ????I?I?
18 Down Plans, expects, proposes.... ?H???D?
20 Down As amateurs always are...... U???D?...
22a leading exponent of classical painting in 19th century france i-g-e-
42a substance causing rust, for example ---d-n-
29d clear, acrylic resin often used in place of glass p-r-p--...
morning. sorry for my ignorance but what is another name for the passover lamb? clue: in the OT the young sheep killed and eaten on the first day of the Passover P????A? lamb 24a in property law a...