Please explain
12a CANV ASS "May see fool seek support". Why is CANV= may see; ass=fool
16d SMASHING "Wonderful son flirting once" Is mashing a word for flirting once....
19a "In a word, ultimate indication of something lacking? Not so" (L?S?).
Answer presumably is last, but what is the indication of something lacking with s & o taken off please?...
Does anyone have the faintest idea what they are talking about? Thirteen rotters stole my answer and they ROTated it by 4 and then ROTated it by 10 and all I have left is Uccr ziqy hc ozz QmpsfTwfgh...
In one of yesterday’s Highland League games, Brora Rangers beat Fort William 16-0. Has there been a heavier defeat at a comparable level or above since say 1950; the Highland League is in the 5th...
If you were given pocket money of 1p the first week, then 2p the second week, 4p the third week, 8p the fourth week and so on, doubling up each week, how long would it be before you have saved one...