No specifics about the attacker. At least it was a knife attack. Summat to on half-term holiday? Usual dance? ...
Hello, my toilet cistern needs a new ball cock. How much should I expect to pay a plumber to do this please. . I've no idea on these things and elderly lady living alive, I don't want to get ripped... ...
I'm struggling to remove the power adapter from the unit so that I can replace the battery. Any tips please? It's a FireAngel SW1 mains powered smke alarm. I've looked on YouTube and the Internet... ...
Is there any way the electorate or others could force a general election or would we be stuck with it for the next 4 years? As far as I see it under our system there would be nothing we could do... ...
MC this time..... Q: The answer to the ultimate question is revealed how many minutes into the film "The hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy"? A: 22 B: 42 C: 62 Answer A: 🤣
Time for my one and only regular thread and once again remembering those who are no longer with us. Among many more my dear friend Chakka35, that real smarty-pants Vestuste_Ennemi, dear old AOG,... ...
Multiple choice Q: Discovered in 2022 to be 16.3million light years wide, Alcyoneus is the largest known What? A: Galaxy B: Star C: Black hole Chaser answer C 🤣....contestant got it... ...
I'm in the market for my first moped. I'm potentially looking at a 125cc. What I'm wanting to know is, how loud are modern mopeds when first starting up the engine and also when riding? ...
my clock in bathroom (the big one) has finished. What does radio controlled bathroom clock mean is that electric which i dont have in bathroom I am just looking for a big clock run by batteries -... ...
I bet you didn't think about doing this. It is a Daily Mail article with the subject in the URL address. That would spoil the surprise ... 🙂 ...
I've had to change my email address. I want to print out a sheet on which there are many of the new one in order that I can cut them out in a narrow strip to glue over the old one on some of my... ... When did we get this soft? I don't remember ever having a day off school because of the weather, ever! Even when the heating broke we had lessons in our... ...
//A senior minister has revealed that plans are being drawn up to deal with food shortages if farmers go ahead with their threat to strike over the controversial family farm tax....Farmers are set... ...
I have an iPad mini 5th generation so a few years old now. The charger doesn't always work, I have to blow into the hole (!) sometimes, turn the plug off and on again then it is OK. Do I need a... ...