half way-need help! 9a at top university rented lover's house 7 C???L?T 12a hybrid sauce put on beef 5O???P 2d do like to stuff a couple of pounds in top of coat 5 L???? 23a court marks age range of...
Last oneand I am stuck can anyone help 14a Structural feature shaped like a bulb characteristic of Russian orthodox Church Many thanks as this will complete the crossword
21a A single continuous action:an outstanding person or thing 4 letters, 28a cultivated biennial plant with large blue white or pink flowers 10,4 letters
13 across - a Malay sailing or rowing boat? P?A?? 3 down - To take in to graze for payment, to charge with a public burden? ?G?S? 5 down - In mythology Lo's guardian who had a Hundred Eyes? ?R??? 27...
31d Is it electronic or synchronic (the Boss & I are tone deaf!) Anyone who knows the difference please help. (Both seem to fit) Thanks in advance! jackheath