Hoping the given letters are correct! Thanks in advance :) s?e?? - Welsh sheep, one essentially to yell about? ????t - Not any time, primarily, for composition (last letter of first clue is first...
All the clues below relate tp places in the uk 1 Collective offering of cash 2 Entry to the harbour 3 Could use canvas to do this 4 Struggling witches 5 Button it up 6 Midnight swim 7 Good when fresh...
Thinking the answer must be "e-mailers", but could someone confirm/explain please!
E?a?l?r? (1-7) Merchants, not at first rich people selling on-line...
?e?e?? - Lament about occasionally mealie stalks used as seasoning.
??r?o? - Worry about a rejected plant.
Last letter of 1st clue is last letter of 2nd clue. Thanks in advance!...
?u?b?? - Uproar in centre of activity with rude way to address man ??i?m?g (4,3) - Have quality of royal chump maybe with this tankard Last letter of the first answer is first letter of second. Thanks...
Just a few to get. Any help much appreciated.. 27. A voyage of adventure 29. Sounds like these structures have a problem 42. Would you be sat down or on your feet here 49. Send me a postcard, drop me...