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22d runs from game, getting minor assault p-k- (4) I have partita for 22a and knave for 24a are these wrong? thank you in advance
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7 down self regard - it's seen in two U S states (6) -a-i-y thank you in advance
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make fun of boy forgetting name around start of school. j-s- is it josh or jest? many thanks in advance
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12a georgia meets bad bloke, murderer (8) -a-o-t-r Thanks in advance
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17a in the office maybe- but disappeared around lunchtime f-l-d is it filed?if so why 27a the victor with two points lost is not so convincing (7) t-i-n-r. Thinner? again if so why? thanks for any...
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2 d violent criminal mostly involved in crime?sure thing 4-2 -h-o-n thank you in advance...
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15 down cause to seem inferior. cryptic clue. detract from blood rising in romantic assignment. Probably something quite obvious but brain not working thankyou for any help
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15d What may be offered by inn - roost for rare bird n-l-r-i- thank you in advance
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is 18a captivate? if so why and is 19a Kiel? thankyou in advance found it harder this week
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If you want an answer it is better to post your own question instead of asking them in someone elses answers. more people will see your question
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thank you tyrepill that means my 16 down is wrong any suggestions port worker describing sinister activity 2 words -e-t -a-d something hand? see no good at cryptic surprised I got as far as I did...
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19 across water control - a clue - it's e.g. affected by turbulance -l-i-o-a-e 23 across many returned one day showing no emotion -k-l-- 24 downlived in germany supported by the world there --e-t not...
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name the famous artist Doctor Who toook for a trip in the Tardis earlier this year Thankyou in advance...
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can anyone please tell me where sammy squirrel is in this issue I think I must need new glasses thankyou in advance
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what page is sammy squirrel on I'm going nuts !!
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19 down open (7) -n- - - e- 25 across carve (4) e- - - Thease may have been answered last week but just got back from hospital with broken leg and can't sit for long without it proped up thanks in...
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18d infers that they are theilogians (7) -i-i-e- is it diviner divined or divines or something completely different thanks in advance
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26a one taking steps to protest (7) ---c--- 21d he gets zero in maths assignment (6) t-o--- thankyou in advance
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Not prosaic - just the opposite! 7 letters -n---s- thankyou in advance...
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thanks to brizpete and snailranch .Istill have three to go Does the Q on the left mean anything or the red circle with the i inside hanging from the garlands or what looks like a fancy steeing wheel...

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