A four-lettered clue: "Rook or another bird".
?U?L All I can find for this is GULL, but how is this related to clue?
I'm fairly sure that U and L are correct....
1d, First learners ring out of order for dress feature 21a She left Athens for Paris (5)???e? 14d smoking jacket r?e??? 17a if civil they may do good work on the roads (9) ? Engineers 20d Work at or...
18a Starter kit in? Go in again once you return (8,3) _ G _ _ _ I _ _ _ E _ 6d Remove undies, run while not covered (9) _ N _ N _ U _ E _ 14d Theraputic examination, kept at home (9) _ E _ _ _ I _ A _...
Please can you help.
17.Central spot (4)
18.Island knife (4.8.)
33.Almost grind royal room(7.7)
Thank you for any help given....
10a Father Laurence gives us a tree. (6) no letters n 4d bounteously providing morning work..... (5) a???? 28d you wont find the clergy placing French milk before a character (5)l???y 33a Where...