Good morning everyone - from a very wet and wind blown South Oz's been pretty full on here for the past few days, very strong winds and buckets of rain all coming up from the Antarctic .....and...
Good morning everyone - a bit shabby for a Saturday here, grey and a bit bleak, but no rain ( so far ) and luckily no wind, glad I'm not out there trying to play sport :(( not that I ever did !! Right...
Good morning everyone - celebrating a birthday today so it's a bit crazy here, I figured I'd better get this posted before i completely forget !! Throw in a car that has stopped on the way to the...
Good morning everyone - we have a lovely sunny day here, after a rather gloomy start, although the wind is a bit brisk, good drying washing though!! Three colourful links plus one today ...... MINT...
Good morning everyone - from a wet and very windy South Oz ....which actually feels more like South Pole !!! At present, there's actually some sun shining out there, but the wind chill factor is...
Please can I have help with today’s Crusader, I think I must have made a mistake somewhere. I am stuck on 3 across, High level employee worked the SOS into songs. I have *i*/h****. Many thanks....
Good morning everyone - so far, so good here today .....I woke expecting downpours but for now they seem to have gone elsewhere .....for now, I hope they stay there, long enough to get some washing...
Good morning everyone - from a very waterlogged South Oz !! The rain started about 3.00am and has not stopped, it's coming straight down - no wind, thank goodness - and doesn't look like going away...
Good morning everyone - from a glorious Winter's day here in South Oz. After some lovely rain, we have sunshine for the next few days ....cold start to the day, but who cares, the rest of the day is...
Good morning everyone - apologies for being rather late, but have finally made it !! Long weekends always seem to bring the odd hiccup or three !! Today's links look deceptively innocent ....who knows...
Good morning everyone - it';s mad Monday at HQ today, everything is happening at once and I'm not handling it at all well, so this will be a bit brief and I can get onto the next area of chaos !! Not...
Good morning everyone - from a rather water- logged south Oz, not that I'm complaining, we need all the rain we can get, but why does it come in great heaps and nothing can cope with the flood !!...
Good morning everyone - not a bad day here, a bit overcast but the sun isn't too far away ...tomorrow will be wet, or so they say ....we'll just wait and see !! Nice little bunch of links for us to...
Here are today's shaded clues for you - 16a General word for one of the types of food grown by French gardener La Quintinie at Le Potager du Roi, for the table of the Sun King, Louis XIV [5] 24a...
Good morning everyone - not the brightest outlook out there, grey and a bit breezy, with the odd shower thrown in but then, it is Autumn and Winter's not far away. Nice little batch of links today...
Good morning everyone - well it has finally rained and a very welcome sight it was too !! Admittedly we need a lot more, but at least the garden has had a drink, and the farmers are happy 11...
Good morning everyone. - lovely Autumn day here, sunny and mild but the nights have yet to get too cold ......I'm enjoying this !! And now all the holidays are over, I have a rough chance of knowing...
Good morning everyone - well i seem to be back on line but after the past few weeks, I'm quite prepared to lose it all in a nanosecond !! At least because of our health issues, we get Priority...
39a game based on quick reactions and matching pairs of playing cards; or, a sudden spell of cold weather (4) 41a Zambian author who wrote his 40th novel The Tiger's Prey in his 84th year (5) 12d...
Good morning everyone - going to be a lovely day here now the wind has dropped and the warm stuff has cooled down ....and miracle of miracles ...I have my Internet connection back ....just how long it...