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college at that time has energy-energy and plastic (-o-y-t-e-e)
"Polythene" works but doesn't fit, and can't find any words to fit! Compiling error?...
How do I find which council is responsible for any particular road. A road I cycle on has a chicane with a cyclce gap but this is always blocked by a pub sign and is also full of debris and I want to...
The answers all have the letters EA, ST or ER within the answer to the question. Rachel's sister 4 - starts with L Amazed, astonished 13 - starts with F Climbing vegetable that has red flowers 6 5 -...
Answers are two words beginning with the same letter. I have spent a lot of time on these so you are the last resort. Thank you. Closing date June 1 A world of lazy people who enjoy the luxuries of...