stuck on 2
16 Down 8 letters deteriorate, decay, languish
ardently, fanatically 6 letters
Any help appreciated
thanks in advance...
11a composition recital by duck c?n?e?t? is this concerto or concerts? and also last one 19d prestige by upmarket diamonds being held ?u?o?; thanks again!
18 across, adjustable ring to fix after anniversary, -----E-/C-I-, (7,4)
13 down, Hamlet lacks silver when following noisy deer to Normandy resort,
-------A- (9)...
Stuck on a few questions that seem rather obscure... 1. What would you find starting A, T, G, C, L etc? 2. What and where are A, D, F, A, T and L? 3. Where did T and D get 9 times 6? 4. Margo and...
It is known that black absorbs heat and white reflects it so why do indiginous peoples of equatorial countries have very dark skins. conversely, other populations have lighter and lighter skins the...