My gran bought a load of Gold Soverigns many years ago from one of the main banks. She wants to sell them, but it seems the main banks don't deal in gold any more. We found a local jeweller who would...
Hi, I drive and MGF and find that driving even over the smallest humps causes a massive scraping sound underneath. The garage I park in has a metal bump on the way out which can't be more than about...
Hi, my sister took out a loan with HSBC a few years ago as they were her current bank (unfortunately she didn't shop around). They persuaded her to take out PPI, which on the loan of ?8,000 was...
Please help me someone! I have just received sky broadband and installed it on to my Acer laptop. It came with one year free McAfee security. I already had F-Secure on my computer but wanted McAfee,...
In Europe you can buy these biscuits which are two normal biscuits, with some dark creamy chocolate filling between them. They come in a tube with white corrugated card round them and then red...
Hi, I am travelling to Oz next year hoping to find some work in accountancy (I am almost qualified) in Sydney for a few months, and was wondering if anyone knows of any good recruitment agencies I...
I am going travelling soon and am trying to find a backpack which has wheels but have not had much luck. The only ones I've found are either really expensive or too small. Does anyone know any good...
I have a tune in my head and really want to know what it is! It starts off really funky, and then i think the lyrics go something like 'let yourself go'. I think its a quite recent funky house type...
Hi. I have an MGF and recently have been seeing a LOT of steam from the exhaust at the beginning of a trip. A friend of mine has checked there are no water leaks, so he thinks that the cylinder head...
I was wondering if anyone knows the specific name of an insurance company who will cover a car whilst laid up. I have tried loads of companies with no luck, the only one I found only did it for...
Please help! I am going travelling next year and will be leaving my car in a locked garage, I am trying to find some car insurance to just cover me for fire and theft during this time, but no insurer...