48d Henry on vacation,s so quiet-is it something in the medicine? (6)
45a revolutionary sort of cover provided for the motorist (6) H?B???
thanks in advance...
7D show hostility over 29 stories:one man's collected writings (14)
24down might a setter do it if the crossword editor is unfair? (4,1,4,2,4)
Thanks in advance...
last one thanks all
51a acts eco-friendly,so gets back into the saddle? (8)
?e?e?l?s ps I know it should be easy to get but i must be missing something thanks...
43a control froth in brewing to get rid of long and impressive growth (9,9)
I think 2nd word ??u?t???
50a what moves a good number to inhabit barrow,perhaps? (6,7)...
42d good arguer to shut up,philosopher interrupted by wife (3,6) s?e ?????
15a a name not allowed by holy see to be prophetic (5) v????
thanks in advance...
38d stream that's charged river in china (7,3) ?a???d? R??
56a unhealthy person,I conceded, not entirely lightning quick (10) ???e//////
thanks in anticipation...
1a cause blockage perhaps in chest after middle of supper (6-4) ??u??? ????
47a old duchys downfall contributing to learning (8) ??r??????
thanks in anticipation...