I have read a bit on here that periodically your schools go through a review system (Olfsted?) and how many schools put on the big show and tell for the evaluators. My school (in NYC) is in high gear...
All of my 10 year old son's friends have mobile phones and I reluctantly allowed my older daughter to buy my son one at christmas. If you have children how old were they when they had their first...
Things you would like to export from the USA to the UK.... I will make a start .... Cheap Fuel .....What do they pay a gallon at the moment Red Lobster Food Chain .....Coconut Shrimp ...yummy Root...
Why is there all the fuss over this pregnant person who claims to have had a sex change? At the moment "he" is still just a woman who has had her breasts removed and stopped taking the required...
Ok, this is my confession. Shortly after christmas i started having panic attacks. They started getting more and more frequent and drove me to the point were i was scared to go to work or even to...
for me, it was sitting on the bus home from work. A teenage son sat opposite a mum with her little girl, and a baby, about 1yr old..... he did all daft things, and made those kiddies laugh all the way...
Have you seen the news about the man who is pregnant here in the States? Thomas was born "Tracey". Tracey was briefly a lesbian, but became a transgender male in his twenties. He took testosterone and...
BIRTHDAY well its not mine but its lippys as mine was on jan 28th as you all know by now. So give the old bird a greeting will you and arsenal are going to get revenge on the pool today jules. I...
just going through all questions in chatterbank and a thought struck me,not many years ago if someone said "i will e-mail you" you would look at them very strangely. likewise "texting" i-pod etc.i...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/73 18220.stm Unbelievable....How can anyone be so heartless, for the sake of money? I hope the rental agency goes out of business following the reputation...
Hi All, Been MIA far a few days. Had good stuff keeping busy: Went to see Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons Thursday niight. A friend had free tix and was I glad I went. That man is 74 years old and...
would you show up if there was an AB get together? No names though and no telling anyone who you are until the end of the night! (obviously a few of us know what other users look like so we would have...
Has anyone tried Elicina? It's a cream manufactured in Chile using the slime of large snails. It's known to heal cuts and abrasions quickly, reduce facial lines and acne scarring. Have I just fallen...
Helloooo everyone, I really wanna go out tonight, but I have no one to go with. So rather than toddle into town on my own, which I could never do, nor would I actually want to. Whose up for a virtual...