I cross ocean, poor and broke. Take bus, see employment folk. Nice man treat me good in there. Say I need to see welfare. Welfare say, "You come no more, we send cash right to your door." Welfare...
ok who likes meatloaf? i love the big man his singing is ace btw . heres a link post after me if you wanna :-) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1fAPEUWowEc
NYC is having its first snowfall. It is a fairly light snow. It still looks pretty. Hopefully it wilo not be too bad on the roada. It was pretty out when we woke up. Feeling a bit more Christmasy now!
why have you put me in the dungeon ed as I have been nice on here tonight and funny as well as legend is not here tonight and he has left me to look after all the ol bints on here and keep em amussed....
Or indeed have you got a piece of useless information that you want to share with us all, fill free to post. Well here goes I will start the ball rolling with this one. If you ever find yourself in a...
OK, You know I had the dryer fire last Saturday. My week just got better and better!! On Monday after work I open the front door to a strong oil smell. I check the tank, no leaks, but call heating co....
What does it mean to be Catholic, Episcopalian, Protestant, Anglican, Seventh Day Adventist etc. I've never known or understood. Isn't everybody just Christian? And if I am interested in christianity...
My dryer was smoking like crazy. It is in the basement and I was in the second floor apt with the new tenant who was moving some stuff in and we smelled it. Nothing caught on fire thankfully, but I...
On here at the moment wingnut is always in the backround so thats ok but bigmamma I have become to expect something more than you just awaiting in the bowls of hell just waiting for a chance to post...
Hi, does anyone know what the opening titles in Charlie's Angles (70's version) is. It is some sort of voice over. It starts with something like ' Three ordinary girls. 'Thats as far as we can...
while back i posted a question about my nerves asking a girl out http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Body-and-Soul/R elationships-and-Dating/Question481547.html just to let you all know went on first date...