8d appearing or occuring every 24 months or twice in 12 months 25a Historical or literary person who serves wine, especially in a noble or royal household
25a British system of allowing employees time off work to attend educational training courses = day .......... I have lived abroad for ages, and so haven't the foggiest idea!
We cannot confirm the last one anywhere! 4. down 'A Rational Number that can be expressed as the sum or difference of a finite number of units' seven letter I - - E - E Is it Indexer?
Hi The answers to the Christmas quiz in the Sunday Express on Dec 24th were supposed to be printed in yesterday's Sunday Express (Jan 7th). I couldn't find the answers in yesterday's paper - was this...
Perhaps I'm just being an intolerant old bat, but I often wonder if some of the people who ask for answers ever look up information on Google, or only come directly to this page! It also seems that a...