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11a dubbed 57a sports car 85a worked jointly
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11a large group of islands in South pacific
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7a meal on a tray whilst watching TV 14a substance used in staining 20a made accesible for colonisation
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14a an argument or debate about words and their meaning - last one to finish crossword, but have complete blackout
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25a system of teaching using traditional method of focussing on a blackboard
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8d appearing or occuring every 24 months or twice in 12 months 25a Historical or literary person who serves wine, especially in a noble or royal household
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7d a book, especially a large weighty scholarly one 17d a reduction in price
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25a British system of allowing employees time off work to attend educational training courses = day .......... I have lived abroad for ages, and so haven't the foggiest idea!
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3a. Changeable or given to sudden changes in behaviour or mood. -a-ru-i-u-.
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We cannot confirm the last one anywhere! 4. down 'A Rational Number that can be expressed as the sum or difference of a finite number of units' seven letter I - - E - E Is it Indexer?
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Hi The answers to the Christmas quiz in the Sunday Express on Dec 24th were supposed to be printed in yesterday's Sunday Express (Jan 7th). I couldn't find the answers in yesterday's paper - was this...
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Help with 41a and 30d please
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Perhaps I'm just being an intolerant old bat, but I often wonder if some of the people who ask for answers ever look up information on Google, or only come directly to this page! It also seems that a...

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