I have been searching for years with no luck. Used to have on tape, even ripped them to mp3 the 5 and a half episodes I had (bad signal one night). All lost, tapes degraded and recordings lost to a...
Hi there I was 50 on 2nd January I had a nice day with my parents and my sister and brother in law at my house and then we went out for a meal at night. All did Lateral Flow Tests. This week I...
I received mine at the beginning of January (paper one) and it expires in March ie 3 months. I haven't even used it as I haven't been out.
Do I need to apply for this every 3 months. Thanks...
....Betelgeuse is a red giant star approx 640 light years away. It is about to go Supernova and there is a good chance it already has. We see it as it was 640 years ago.
I 'think' that the text on this postcard is: gell du blauauge (or blauaugate) gell für Di taugat i Für Di War I Recht wenn i nur mocht but that translates to: dear you blue-eye gell for Di taugat i...
I've only ever sown broad beans in spring before but, having noticed varieties that can be sown in Oct/Nov/Dec, I thought I'd give them a go. Question is - will the plants appear before winter sets...
I was working on an XL spreadsheet which had about 76kb of data on it The sheet became unresponsive and I had to close it down On trying to reopen the spreadsheet it has no data and 0kb It won't let...
My husband doesn’t have a mobile phone so he has requested a Covid Pass Letter. Does the QR code automatically renew on the letter or does he have to keep requesting new letters when they expire?...
3d comedian might be aggrieved by this ending ?r?? ?a???s. 13d vixen say is an animal ?e?r. 36a strictly winner owned nine, as Noel perhaps came round ?l???? ???o?