Hi there Can anyone help me with a couple of answers? 28a German War Plane (13) M****RS*H***T 23d Old-fashioned type of a gun (9) F***T*O** 92d Pretend to be dead (4, 6) PLAY, *O*S*M 87d Deserted (4,...
Hi Everone, I am rattling around Wiltshire and think the Garrison Town might be Tidworth, but I am belssed if I can work out the animals. Have done as many of the clues as I can ,so far, and nothing...
Struggling with the village that is 2 miles south of Bradgate Park. Also seem to have found more inclines on the GC Railway than I am inclined to believe! Does Hopton fit the bill? I just know there...
can anyone convert these numbers into latittude & longitude. The 1st 4 lines are for the northings, the last 3 lines are for the westings. Here goes: 00001100'00000001.11111111...
Mornin! Got the Magna Carta and Good King Wnceslas clues but still stuck. Is the semi-rural area The Weald? But what is the village? Usless I know, any help much appreciated!