2d, Rescue about 150 on train. (7). I think it ends in m. And... 10a, Perch by post where English journey may finish (5,3). -----, end? And.... 15d, rubbish on a piece of furniture that can be shifted...
Help please. 4d, fishermen do it with club support. (5,4) And 11a, Sunny reflection in a dark hour? (8). And 16a, It shows the priorities for strikers. (7,5) -------, order It's hard today ....!...
Finding it's very hard today, so help please from you brilliant xrorders out there! 1a, Induce spell of energetic play in gym. (6) --c---. 12a, Shop and church on one cliff tottering (3-7) --f...
23a, Strikes bringing in American relations. (7) --u---s.
And 28a, Lied outrageously, held by head with no substance. (8) --d---s-.
Help and explanation would be great!...
Unwatered stock? N---?
And 25 d, Drive for mile travelling around pothead.(5) I----.
And 27a, Considering retribution. (9) starts with r ..... ends ing...
How do I start! I've been seeing a married man for the past 7 years. I'm now 70, widowed, and he's 75. Two years ago he had a biopsy for prostrate check, and resulted in a major infection, in hospital...
For the past week or so, I've experienced sudden cold feet. Sounds nothing but it's new and the sensation is really uncomfortable. I can be sitting, in bed anything. There seems no pattern. Any...
I'm thinking of. Getting one of these as stated to get such uncomfortably cold feet. Has anyone any experience of these devices and any recommendations?...
My itunes on computer seem to be two editions. And cause conflict particularly downloading. What I think might help the situation. ...is to delete all the itunes stuff on the computer, and then...
8,a. Appropriate indignation before father knocked back drink. (8) ends - I-I-.
And 18d, Novices eel nets cast around island (8) no letters ....YET!...
Stuck on top right side. 6,d. Johnson, say, a winner, one having replaced leader of charisma. (7) starts with a---t--. And 25, a. Like a horse ride without a break? (2,3,4) on the ---t. Any help...
Can anyone help my flat screen tv which is I suppose about five years old, It will come on with a picture, then after a minute or two goes black. Sound ok. Something has gone! Is it repairable or is...
Struggling with12d, Habit of Victorians taking very cheap beer even for them! (11) Starts with f..... And, 3d, Unknown author takes director in bar with log fire. (7) a---r--. Any help and explanation...
Am I the only person on the planet who can't stand Pointless any more. Such endless praise churned out by AA to contestants etc. And that business! journalist Steph... Talk about dumbing down. Rant...