Does anyone remember a gane called Kickle Cubicle?? It was on sega megadrive i think. It was a little guy in Ice mazes & you had to try & move ice cubes to get him out. I loved it!!!!!!!!
I work for a major bank & last november I moved departments for more money. Since being there i have realised it soooooooo boring & i still feel like a new person. I can only be myself with 1 girl. I...
I think people on the dole should be made to claen public areas. Why should they get money for doing nothing?! They should clean places Mon-Fri 9-5 for their dole money. Hopefully that will humiliate...
does anyone know any childrens songs from mexico. my daughter loved one they sang on holiday recently. think it was an alphabet one. says something like "Y neco sita es" & someone goes into the middle...
My friend has had a baby to a guy in the army. He has been on paternity leave for 1 week, seen the baby for half an hour & not yet bought him a thing. How can my friend get in touch with the army...
My friend is having a baby to a guy in the army. He hasn't really had much do do with her but says he wants to see the baby when hes home. Is she entitled to money from him for the baby if he wont...
There is a song that came out around the time of Fragma-Toca's miracle. A girl sang it with long blonde hair & on the video she was on a ship. Kind of a dance song. I know its a bit vague. Anyone...