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4d Greyhound? (3,3) *** dog. Thank you in advance
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When I was at the airport the other day, I saw a booklet with puzzles, very much like Suduku but you needed to do additions etc It started with an 's'. Can anyone help me?
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Eight word instruction which tells you how to find the prize answer, the prize answer is a name from the Harry Potter stories the clue is Read Every Square With A Nine In It
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Hope it's ok to post a non-crossword query on here... I was very pleased with myself for completing today's Very Hard sudoku as it's rare I complete it. To celebrate, I thought I would sms the three...
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7d she claims a reduced profit in unlicensed programs (9) S?A?E?A?E is it stalemate? 31a fixed measures? the traditionally support police (4,4) ?L??,?E?? thanks

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