8 across Hysterical (7) -a---k- 15 across keep up with other runners (4,3,4) -t-----p--- 25 across percussion instruments used in bands (4,3) -----i- 3 down being married to one at a time (8) -o-o-a--...
A female MP (Jo Swinson) has sucessfully campained to get the advertising standards agency to ban misleading cosmetic adverts from magazines etc. Hard to see how the companys can justify it. Mabelene...
To all my AB friends, I am sad to say we had to make the very hard decision and have Bella put to sleep this morning, she was letting us know that she was tired, so we took her to the vets, she was...
9d out of date fish loaded on junk =l=f===i=n== 16a hear person preserving religeous book ===l=e= 24a prime minister delighted to put on weight =====t=== 17d had rested in strand for all to see...
Got answers for these... but I'm not 100% 18. Down: Those taking part should be prepared for this rally (8) _ A _ B _ _ _ E 28. Across: Very good port about to be returned (6) C _ _ _ E _...
Hi all, has anyone ever booked a holiday with travel republic or any internet site. We have found a holiday we would like and our local travel agent can usually match the internet price,but on this...
amusingingly misheard phrases (11 letters) m?n?e?r?e?s brandy balloon (5 letters) g?a?s is it glass. lab equipment (9 letters) a??a?a??s. thanks for any help received
Yr help would be appreciated on these clues.:) ¤ Very thoroughly (6,3) ¤ Starts (7,2) ¤ Checks (5,2) ¤ Artist's studio (7) ¤ Nuclear furnace (7) Thanks in...
1. type of granary to dry and store 8
2. a plant belonging to the ginger family 8
3. highest quality 7
4. take possession without authority 10
5 absolute/bareness 9
6. delivers pressurised air 7...
Help please
6a/ Relatives unite secret society member, ( 5, ) ? A ? O ?
36a I@d make 6 across move away to London Scottish $, 7,
? I ? ? A D ? M ? O ? .
Thank you...