7 across Lack of consumer interest (8) ?N?R???A
3down Rex travelling round low part of West Country (6) ?E?O??
11 across Dog and bone specialist (6) ?E?T??...
this is what some of you were discussing today - I have just found the link in the Sun....................
So , Kate McCann ( on publication of her book ) is calling upon David Cameron , for the government to '' take some responsibility '' in finding their missing daughter . Is her choice of words...
... he escaped from his cage on the way back from the vets this evening. OH and I have spent six hours combing the thick hedges, to no avail. He's either lying very low or has legged it (and is...
Clear what content shows up (3) _ _ T See learner has time for verse (6) _ _ T _ _ _ Charles embraced by two fathers in Hare and Hounds (5,5) _ A _ E _ / _ _ A _ E I think the letters I've put in are...
Kate McCann now thinks it was possibly the clothes that her daughter was wearing that led to her kidnap....according to The Sun.....I know, I know not the most reliable of sources, but please............
Went down in the main - E?b??
Bear having no right to invest - E????
Give no indication - S?a?? the ??a?
Sailors have abnormally thin liquer - ??s?n??
Girl leads thousand astray - ???s?l...
i tried to post this earlier but couldn't log in whats your thoughts on veal? i was watching come dine with me and someone looked disgusted about the thought. is it much different to eating lamb...