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Hiding under my desk and not answering the phone. You know when you go out for a works Christmas do, decide it's a good idea to drink an array of alcoholic drinks, get absolutely off your face and...
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How often do you take your cat to the vets for check ups, etc? I've just been rollocked by someone when I said I haven't taken mine since he had his injections as a kitten (apart from once when he was...
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When I was sitting in traffic last night I noticed my engine appeared to be revving of it's own accord. Only up to 1,000 rpm every ten seconds or so. Is that normal?...
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Ok, this might not be the right section for what I'm after but can anyone reccommend any books I can get my Dad for the 'libarary'. I don't want a proper novel, more after fun books that you can just...
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Just saw this and aside from the gross behaviour and language, it does actually have a rather comical moment. http://www.dailymail....cist-rant-filmed.html...
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This is hopefully the most difficult decision I'll have to make for a while. Gone off em lately but I'm blinking hungry and I had a card from one of our subbies with a tenner in it so I could treat...
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Our internet went down in the office over the weekend so I rebooted everything and it started working fine again yesterday morning, however my iphone won't connect to it now. I tried to select the...
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I've got a scar on my back following a procedure called Z-Plasty about 7/8 years ago. It's never settled properly so it's raised but recently it seems as though I can feel it a lot more, as if it's...
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My cat is staring out the window desperate to go out but as the place is being battered with wind and rain he'll only go as far as sticking his head out the door and running back in. I'm quite please...
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You know how on Facebook you can chose to hide certain posts or certain people from your news feed, could we have a similar sort of thing here? There are some posts that just go on and on and on and...
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I spent Saturday feeling pretty ropey with chills and being achey. That seems to have mostly past now but I've got one of those sore throats that really hurts when I swallow. Any remedies I can take...
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Why is it pedestrian crossings always seem to be on corners and right at the exit point of roundabouts? It seems like an odd place to put them to me as drivers will be busy checking what all the other...
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You'll have to bare with me here as cooking is not exactly my forte. I'm planning on making some sausage rolls for xmas (easy for most I'm sure) and I've found a recipe I want to use but it says I...
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Does anyone know if there is a Far Side (cartoons) 2012 calendar available and where I can get one from?
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Thought you might like this. It seems you're not the only one who's checking her out http://www.dailymail....en-BBC-Breakfast.html...
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I didn't want to say because I didn't want to really bring attention to it but today is my birthday and it's utterly horrible. I woke up at 6 not being able to sleep and just as I was managing to try...
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They are talking about this on the radio just now and I'm interested in what others think. http://www.dailymail....just-month-after.html In short, the lad ran up a phone bill of £900 and his...
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I installed Firefox (8.1 I think) a few days ago and when it was intalling I am sure it said it was transferring over all my favourites from IE but I'm buggered if I can find them. All I have is a...
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I have arranged to have the day off work on Friday and my Dad has just informed me that he has arranged for a gift to be sent to me, at work on Friday (I'm pretty confident it's flowers). He says he...
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I keep seeing threads about partys and all the answers (and there are alot) are really weird. But everyone seems to know whats going on. Someone please enlighten me!...

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