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Glad to see the women at Aintree are showing the world just how stylish we are in the UK. There's some real shockers here! They must be FROZEN!...
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Can you find out exactly who views your profile on facebook? TIA
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as above, or do we become evil ?
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After my recent encounter of the creepy kind when meeting a guy from a dating website I decided to jack it in. Then a week or so ago decided I'd paid for 6 months so I might as well use them and...
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6 chlidren, 2 attempted, 27 Stabbings, does this bloke deserve to be put down, will the H.R. Bridgade still say that C.P. does not work?
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Ann I pity her poor children reading this - she should keep her thoughts to herself I think....
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Are you happy with your lot? Is your cup half full or half empty? Are you bitter, jealous or content?
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I am going to apply for my child's first passport. Does anyone know how long it takes for the passport to come through, this time of year. I cannot find any information about this on line. I just need...
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If an airbag inflates in a spectacle wearer's face will it shatter their glasses, and whats the result - will it be a cut face?
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Did not know where to put this question - but on the subject of wind turbines - why are people so against them. I genuinely know nothing about them.
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If you post anything the people here don't understand, automatically they'll knock it, because if they can't understand it, they can't answer it and their egos shrink. They cyberbully you if you...
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My husband has lots of lovely items passed down from his ancestors. Some beautifully engraved silver and pottery included. Lots of jewellery which we dont know is worth anything or just costume...
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I am thinking of going to see a hypnotist in a bid to quit smoking, I was wondering if any of you had used hypnotherapy for anything. Did it work? Would you recommend it? It is fairly expensive but if...
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Oh how I value your wise counsel! Tell me something, anything...
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Is it a Northern thing or does anyone else call it going to the baths?
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Just popped up the garage to get a sarnie and as I was walking out a woman and her child were going in. Both clad in full PJ's, including dressing gowns! I mean, what could you possibly need from a...
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Red traffic lights means stop - amber also means stop . So why have an amber light ?...
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I hope Derbyshire Council have stopped all benefit payments for Mr and Mrs Philpott? Otherwise he will be a very rich man when he eventually gets out.
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What is the easiest way to start a blog and how do you get followers (other than people you already know)?

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