Hello all Grateful for some help 5a unpretentious representative inhabiting isle abroad [6] Is 1d Pinter? Colonialist entertaining scholar and author[6] Why? 16d Rigorous appraisal of a trial...
3a, Newspaper's big bedroom feature coverage? (10) 10a, Appearance of mental condition I will take on (10) 5d, More voluminous? (9) 6d, It may reveal a change of heart (11) Sorry i have no letters...
13 Across, Tautological term for being a tourist (6,3,6) 18 Across, Being told I have partner having trouble with audition (7-8) 9 Down,Where orchestra plays,without skill,a kind of suite,(7) 10 Down,...
I am struggling with this quiz and still need lots of answers.HELP please. The sky at night. 4 5 It's all gone wrong 4. 6 What a great time we are having. 4 2 4 1 4 2 8 Cor - I's Like Peas. 5. 4 Many...
Just these few to go any help appreciated 20) If doubled get a move on (4) 22) Colourfull old faggot (7,5) 31) Sounds like a type of killer (6) 36) Feigned anguish (9) Thanks once again for any help...
Please can anyone help
21 across The_____popular English ska band 8 letters ?E?C?I?E
22 down Little_____1987 Fleetwood Mac single 4 letters ??E?
Thanks in anticipation...
Havent a clue who the 3 people are, but letters I have VVEERSCEI also stuck on 23 a. Diminishing from a bat in Gloucestershire(7)?T?T??? and 11d. Change sides?(5,3,5) Heads for tails, seems odd....
The answer must be a village or town in Lincolnshire 1. Leather container (3,4) 2. The village clock only has one hand (9) 3. Migrant bird found near Horncastle (7,4) 4. The house of correction is...
I'm struggling to answer the following clues (beginning to think I must have gone wrong elsewhere). Any help would be very much appreciated - thank you. 10 across Having foreknowledge now about carbon...