8d Dutch truants upset the lively nature of debate(3,3,6) C?T ?N? ?????T
10a Depart to the North for some yeast (6) ??a?E?
Help appreciated,
Many thanks....
26a There's a gap in the players' group (3) G?? 90d Insuring the Dubs' continued success? (3) ??? For 89a Source of danger in Chelsea (6) I have hazard. If correct 90d would read A?? Help appreciated,...
3d. This Oiler was an all -American , and responsible for TV ratings too (7) P?E?S?N.
109d. If you are nearest this at a classic you might win a prize (3) P?N
Many thanks....
3d. This Oiler was an all-American and responsible for TV ratings too (7) ??E?S?Y 1a. Part-time local hack works well behind the scrum (8) S??????E? 20d. England could be all hot and bothered here?...
9a Fitting occasion for a head of state? (10) ??I?N?????
17d d________________R (9) ?E???S?E?
7d Warning from a fair way off (4) ???E
Happy New Year All.
Many thanks....
26a. Would you expect to find a snooker table in this garden structure ? (7,4) ??T???? S??? 21a. Old coin found right inside the big kid! (5) ??O?? 23d. We find a Longford area that's wooded (5) W?A??...
6a. Grand craft? Well, fair. (4) ???? 7d. When water-logged, the article was hot. (5) ??U?? 8 & 16d. The Rebot co. was created by this historic action. (3,7,10) ??N ???O?E? ?E?O?U?I?N 30d. Many take a...
13a Film company some might brag faltered (4) ???A 14d Acquire Iinformation Technology to understand. Understand (3.2) ??? IT ( I was thinking of Got it or get it) if G is correct then 13a above would...
27a a time for intergalactic travellers ? (4,4) S?A?D?T? 5d. they're only fair-weather friends in the main (9) ?H?????E? 6d. Cs (hot and cold) (8) ?O?????S 26d Laugh back...oops (2,2) O?O? Help...