1d Glimpse of the glory of heaven(8,6) b---i-i------- 28a Place near the sea between Morecambe and Camforth (6,2,5) B-l-o---sands 3d Picture or plate produced by an engraving process.(10) z--o-r---
42a.Clarifying agent produced from specific organs of freshwater fish.(9) i-i-g-a-s 20d. Old stringed instrument similar to the lyre(8) -s-l-e-y 34d. Commanding attention (9) a-r---ing
2d Professional person who utilises technology and scientific knowledge in a creative way (8) -n-i-e-r 8d Uncharged paritcle that has zero mass when at rest (8) -e-t-i-o
16d In folklore a corpse with supernatural powers that rises at night to drink the blood of its living victims (5) l-m-a 46a Latin phrase meaning 'by the way ' that is a statement made by a judge...
18a Lacking any distinct and individual characteristics (11) n-n-e-----t 30a Alfred-- ;newspaper ****** whose career began with the purchase of a near bankrupt London Evening News.H-r----o--h 20d...
16a.Type of often highly-decorated Japanese earthenware pottery that originated in the late 16th century(7,4) s-t---aware 28a.Common mineral with a pale yellow colour that is often mistaken for gold...
Thankyou kayakamina for your last answer it fits perfectly.Now I have just one more:31d Any country that has influence on a global scale (5,5) world -o-e-