12a famous building of city on river ouse york something york ????t?? 17 and 32a slang term for ex convinct ??? ??? 26a industrial city in germany west of dusselldorf ??u?s 41a italian operatic tenor...
I have completed the crossword but cannot be sure if 22d is porcupine and 31a is triennial because it would mean having to spell one of them incorrectly. Has anyone overcome this problem or are my...
35a The Roar of the ---- the Smell of the Crowd: 1965 Broadway musical by Bricusse and Newley (11) Surely it should read The Smell of the Greasepaint the Roar of the Crowd ?
15across - Is it Occulum? Can't find anything on Google or Yahoo to support It. 50 across - benign tumour that consists of fibrous and musculour tissues 5letters M*O*A
21d Australian facility for launching rockets and space vehicles (7) -o-m-r- 38a Do a medical examination of the body parts by feeling with hands (7) -a-p-t-
23a. An inexperienced person who is not yet capable of looking after themselves in the wild (10) -e-d-r-o-t 9d. The component of a motor vehicle that produces electricity (10) -l-e---t-- 35d. Portion...