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Pl help Works (of engine) (4) go?s...
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Pl help Liquidation specialist (8) re?e?v?r...
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Pl help 1. Burn it? Why? A proud man won't take it and a mean man won't give it! (7) ???r?t? 2. A flower that's been called an old man? How wet! (5) ??v?r 3. Ground moved around in churning fashion...
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Have answered a part. Pl help 1. This is one - or maybe you don't have one ? (4) ?l?e 2. Part of a Cadillac on icy roads, in brief (7) ?a?o?i? Calorie? 3. Had bet about long and limp covering (7)...
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Pl help 1. Idyllic (6) epenic 2. Cowardly (8) recreant 3.. Pacific shellfish (4) p??i Sorry, a little mental ............
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What is backpackers' digs? I have s??ats Pl help...
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Pl help Apartment X not at home to reduce variations and bulldoze (7,3) ?l?t??? out Thankyou...
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Pl help Woolgrower involved in melodrama (3) Ram?...
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Pl help 1. Lived back before a half-jury found wickedness (7) ?e???r? 2. She shrinks when bashful, but gets violent around North (6) ???l?t 3. Dance music for lover being pursued by sergeant (8)...
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Pl help 1. Waylay a flower at a wedding (10) Buttonhole 2. Animal Ed tormented for a brooch of scarlet (8) b?d????? 3. Occupy with gears or ring? (6) 4. Head for a cup of spirit (6) ?o???n Thank you...
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Pl help Am stuck with answer for Clingier (7). I have n?????r ( my guess needier). I wish you all a Joyful Christmas & A Happy New Year...
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Pl help 1 He doubted he'd follow Dylan or Leslie (6) Thomas 2. Hound to get the picture? (6) ?o?l?w 3. Dishing out noisy party (7) Shindig 4. Choose alien for strike protest (6) Picket 5. Recreation...
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Pl help 1. No score in sport taken up by soldiers (6) t???i? 2. Over-nosy characters to be transferred in the immediate future (4,4) ???t ?o?n 3. Secret, though after 4th March it's the opposite (6)...
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Pl help 1. Visits informally or discontinues bowling spell? Rod proves otherwise. (5,4) Drops over 2. Endless legends about Shanks's pony (4) Legs...
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Pl help 1. Declares positively that companies are after safe centres (7) Offices? 2. You get between fifty and two thousand when a fox is about to confuse (7) ?l?e?o? 2. Organised to be tolerant with...
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Pl help 1. Saw Ed about mangled vine. Wished we had one (6) e?v??? 2. Girl who spells the end for Elizabeth and the beginning too (5) ????l 3. An Australian is she. I label her in hiding (6) ???l?a 4....
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Pl help Enigmatic hint to find out what this is (7,4) ?r?p?e? c?u? Sorry for the bother...
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Pl help 1 Hitching digits that become, when put before the crew, a painful device.(6) T?d??? 2. Animal that could be embracing rut. (5) ??u?e 3. Supply mine with weapons in a ticklish spot (6) ?r???t...
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Pl help 1. Boat helped to make wedding hysterical (6) B?n?h? 2. Unit known as NTT (6) H?t?t? 3. Discover a hunter gone astray (7) Unearth 4. Skilful using part of foot pedal backwards (5) A?e?t...
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Pl help 1. Bruise, they say, develops ominously (5) B?e?? 2. Filter out tension (6) ??r??? 3. Moralistic cad with ID returned with nervous twitch (8) ???a?tic 4. More feeble unconvincing expression of...

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