A few sour grape whinners about but I don't think for a minute there was anything remotely bent about the Scottish referendum though it does highlight an issue. Personally I don't think postal votes...
Of course the GOOD thing about the result of the Scottish Referendum is,
We will not have a Perpetual Tory government in the UK,so some good came out of Scotland. ----- Enjoy....
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/11097449/SAS-cannot-rescue-British-hostage-Alan-Henning-held-by-Isil-because-we-dont-know-where-he-is.html Lets face it. Other countries...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2756185/Cameron-preparing-join-air-strikes-Syria-not-Scottish-referendum.html Blimey when I read this headline I thought that Cameron himself was going to get...
http://www.buzzfeed.com/alisonvingiano/isis-video-british-citizen#2cbkxhz There are probably more reliable links on the internet but this one popped up on my Facebook and Twitter feeds It seems the...
Another couple of percentage points for the YES camp I suppose. Lets hope it a little safer for him today. The last time he was north of the border, he had to take refuge in a Pub, which, being Farage...
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, says air strikes against Syria, will not take place says he . But Cameron makes a statement ,saying air strikes might take place ,Do Tories talk to each other, or...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mps-expenses/11079707/MPs-will-get-10-per-cent-pay-rise-expenses-watchdog-says.html /// MPs’ pay is already due to rise by 1 per cent to £67,731 next...
Isn't he supposed to be neutral? Despite the fact that he's giving the money away - to his own religious foundation - should he have accepted this award?...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2710285/Ebola-test-feverish-man-flew-Britain-West-Africa-doctors-red-alert-deadly-virus.html /// Liberia closed most of its border crossings on Sunday and...
My daughter cleans house for a woman who has gone away to Bali until end of september, my daughter has been left looking after their dogs, the agreement was that she would feed and water them once a...