if you could put on the ultimate stand up show which 3 comics would be in the show mines as follows, 3, billy connolly2, peter kay1 and top of the bill LEE EVANS now if you come away from that show...
Hi. Does anybody remember the BN biscuits launched in the UK a few years ago. I know they are a french biscuit but I believe production has stopped in this country. Can anyone confirm this or tell me...
HELP - ! my 25 year old son has purpleish patches of skin on the ball of both feet . they are almost identical, about an inch wide, 2 inches long, they feel rough to the touch, and look almost like...
my cousin is getting a tattoo done. we were just wondering how do we know if they are a good artist and not someone dodgy. what should we look for? thanx xXx
Does anyone know why in the recent adaptation with Ken Stott they made Rebus a Hibs supporter? This added nothing to the plot and jarred with me as a fan of the books.
Any ideas about how I can relieve what the doctor thinks is a trapped nerve in my toe? Really hurts when I walk, almost as if it has become disjointed, then sometimes it is OK again. Help ! Waiting...
not sure if i the toyota mini is spelt like that?..anyway..anyone have one? are they a good drive?..i'm thinking about changing my car and had thought of that or a yaris?