Does anybody know where I can buy Heinz Mayonnaise? Considering Heinz lead the market in most sauces it seems odd to me that most supermarkets seem to stick to their own brand and the ubiquitous...
Does anybody know where I can get a list of rare and deleted videos (films, tv and music)? - Most websites offer to search for stuff but nowhere seems to offer a general list for perusal...your help...
Anybody know why the repeats of Garth Marenghi's Darkplace (in association with Dean Learner) were cancelled on Weds & Thurs night? Anyone know if and when they will be shown instead?
My girlfriend is American and is cooking a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for us - she wants to know wether anyone knows where she can buy tinned pumpkin (for pie making purposes) in England. She...
Does anyone remember an ITV mini series called The Last Place On Earth? It starred Martin Shaw as Captain Scott and was really quite good...If anyone knows where I could get a copy I would be...