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I have just been accepted for a loan from Churchwood but I have been told that I need to pay a fee of ?49? Should I pay???
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I have fallen behind with my car payments and I am supposed to pay today but can't. What will the loan company do? Do they just come and take the car or do they have to apply to the court? They have...
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My husbend does not pay a penny towards the house which is costing me 850 pounds a month to run. I work 60 hours a week to keep this up - I can't divorce him or leave him I loose out what can I do to...
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Hi, Does anyone know the current situation on weather banks are going to start paying out bank charges again, or weather they won the fact not to pay back? if so can anyone tell me the best way to...
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i need to send a parcel today (17/10/07) rmsd it has to get to northamton thursday morning will it get there i.e is there another strike planned

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