i know this seems odd here but does anyone have this model washing machine that could answer a few questions for me as i have just got one and have lost the manual
but the money is crap!!! ?3000 less than i am now, mind you this new tax thing makes a difference, it is a totally different sort of shop, i would be in a reasdonably sized unit but less staff, and so...
Last night after we cooked dinner we switched off the oven but left the food inside. About 10 minutes later the glass inner oven door suddenly shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces!! We were very...
I was a bit annoyed reading this. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/735392 9.stm He says "Down with thieves who want to steal our country," Well what exactly are you doing with it Mr Mugabe...
I have been meaning to post something since I found out I was pregnant, seems like a great community spirit of ideas and comments on pregnancy here! But now I have just started my 20th week I knew I...
My mother recently had a heart attack and has been left unable to walk more than about 150 meters without assistance and/or a rest. I have spoke to the Local Authority for advice, and as a result I'm...
hi can anyone tell me if i have lock jaw ? i woke up this morning and i noticed i couldnt yawn it really hurt its only on one side of my jaw which i cant open my mouth very wide and it really hurts to...
I just found out that my friend has made herself sick....and she's already tiny. She says it was only once but i don't see what will stop her doing it again. She's lost 2 and a half stone in the last...
I have been asked by a friend to complete the following, but I am useless at these. I have no doubt the brains on here will be able to solve them. 1. A10GH 2. 1P for an LT I promise I won't claim the...
I have been asked by a friend to complete the following, but I am useless at these. I have no doubt the brains on here will be able to solve them. 1. A10GH 2. 1P for an LT 3. 24L in the GA. I promise...
i have just bought a black and whit syrian hamster anyone think of a cool name something different my gerbils are called scampi and chip snail s called gary and my cat is called salem
9a. An argument about words or their meaning (9) l-g-m-c-y 10a. The people of a nation regarded as political unit (5) d-m-- 8d. Edible plant grown as staple in Pacific region (7) d---e-n 14d. Rapid...