dose anyone know that song it appeared on bbc 1, 2 and 3? it's called shopping is my life... am only searching the advert song.. It sound's like rock mix with experimental beat, almost sounded like...
here's the simple way to find it it's on (easy to find, it's on the main page) the advert is made by fiat car companay and presented by Danny Wallace (if you don't know who he is?) look...
dose anyone know a introduction song? where the show cast of the team... it came on at bbc three at 5th september, 10:45pm after the show of heroes the music is sound like electro beats, very smooth...
dose anyone know's the name of the music.. it sounded like electro and classic music...? the advert.. it's about healthy snack bar... It appaered on daily to evening show on five to ITV1/2, channel 4?...
dose anyone know the name of the tune? this advert appered 3 years ago? it's about... a man gone mad from his work and his life! but when he get on his car... he feel's very calm...
Does anyone know what the music is on the new Chrysler 300C Advert? here's the video ad =0&type=3&adid=41639 I tried everything to find that song from...